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Marine Eco Guardian

Cleanship helps ship owners and operators achieve a cleaner marine environment.

Reducing environmental impact is one of the many challenges that ship owners face, as shipping regulations are often stringent and changing extensively. Cleanship is a Glasgow-based company specialising in provision of industry compliance services and technology for projects such as ballast water treatment, scrubbers and inventory of hazardous materials, assisting ship owners and operators to improve maritime environment impact.

“Our expertise is in marine engineering and design. We aided many ships to design exhaust gas cleaning scrubbers, we also have ballast water treatment system – a technical process to remove micro-organisms in ballast water before disposal to reduce marine pollution – being designed and installed on two of our own ships specifically for this purpose,” explained Dave Breakey, Design Engineer of Cleanship. “We are not biased towards any system or technology; we only do what’s best for the ship owner clients.”

Proximity to Mainland China with vibrant shipping industry

Cleanship have projects in various shipyards across Mainland China, including Shanghai, Nantong and Chengxi. When it comes to setting up a business hub in Asia, Cleanship knew that Hong Kong was the obvious choice. “Hong Kong is a vibrant and good shipping market plus a great supporting community. We think that it is a natural progression to expand into Asia through Hong Kong and this is an ideal place to come and begin the expansion.”

Being in Hong Kong has also facilitated Cleanship to supervise the job in Mainland China closely. “Overseeing the project by a design engineer like myself has become possible only because we are in Hong Kong working in the same time zone with the shipyards in Mainland. If there is any big issue, I can jump on a flight and be in the shipyard the next day,” he said.

A tight knit maritime community

Soon after Cleanship setting up its Hong Kong office in 2019, the company immediately joined the Hong Kong Ship Owners Association. “We have already met a lot of business partners in the community when we first came here, and participated in many industry events, which have given us great access and expanded our contacts tremendously with the marine industry in Hong Kong,” Breakey said. “The city has a large and tight knit community and everyone seems very welcoming to see our presence here.”

As the business is scaling up, Cleanship is looking to hire more engineering roles in Hong Kong, targeting local graduates in structural engineer, mechanical engineer, civil engineer as well as electrical engineer.

Breakey finds the experience of setting up a company in Hong Kong smooth and simple. “The support we have had was phenomenal. Once you are ready to open a business in Hong Kong, the support is there every step of the way. InvestHK has been assisting us to set up, to market our service, as well as to expand our network, which is very helpful to our growth here,” Breakey concluded.


Fast Facts

  • Established in 2017 and headquartered in Glasgow
  • Has eight employees in Hong Kong and Mainland China including design engineer, project manager and site supervisors. Planned to expand the engineering team by end of 2020

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Contact General Enquiries
24/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

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