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Service Providers Directory

InvestHK maintains a Service Providers Directory <> (Note: You must agree to the Terms and Conditions before accessing the Directory) to facilitate our clients from overseas and the Mainland in setting up or expanding their operations in Hong Kong. It is accessible to users around the clock online, and service providers may update their company profile anytime.

The Directory is not a comprehensive list. The information on the Directory is provided for a general, indicative purpose only and does not imply having obtained InvestHK’s endorsement or recommendation. Users are recommended to make their own assessment of the information contained on this Directory and to verify such information by making reference, for example, to original publications and obtaining independent advice before acting upon it.

Hong Kong companies interested in registering as a service provider on the Directory may send their contact details (including name, telephone number and e-mail address of contact person) and basic company information (including company name and URL of company website) to

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La información personal que nos ha proporcionado nos ayudará a prestar, desarrollar y promocionar nuestros servicios. Al enviar sus datos, marcar las casillas y hacer clic en "enviar" indica que ha leído y aceptado nuestra política de privacidad y política de cookies. Por favor, lea los detalles para comprender sus derechos sobre sus datos personales.

Contact General Enquiries
24/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

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