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Key Findings of "Future of Sourcing: 2021 and Beyond" - Hong Kong's Vital Role in the Supply Chain

InvestHK commissioned KPMG to produce a report titled, the "Future of Sourcing: 2021 and Beyond". This thought leadership paper showcases Hong Kong’s vital role in the sourcing and supply chain operations of many international companies.

The report features insights from many major players across a wide range of industries, from long established businesses in textiles and fashion through to startups helping companies to digitally transform their supply chains. The growing opportunities in the Greater Bay Area and ASEAN are covered. The report also explores two important opportunities and themes: innovation and ESG, with innovation a key driver for the sector. Interviews with these senior executives shed light on the above.

The study is a useful resource for consumer product companies as well as textiles, materials, innovation and startups looking for insights as to where to set up their sourcing operations.

You can also find the latest updates on funding schemes and insights from new players in digitisation and innovation.

To receive information on upcoming events and a softcopy of the full report, please send us a short email at


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