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Annual Open Data Plans

InvestHK published the annual open data plans to set out the datasets which will be released on the Public Sector Information (PSI) Portal ( in the coming three years and those which have already been published. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on these plans to formulate a better plan and open up more data meeting your needs. 

Annual Open Data Plan for 2021-2023 (Last Updated: 18.11.2020)
Annual Open Data Plan for 2020-2022 (Last Updated: 15.11.2019)
Annual Open Data Plan for 2019-2021 (Last Updated: 8.11.2019)

For feedback and suggestions, please submit via the following form:
Feedback Form at

For any other enquiries, please contact:
Tel: (852) 3107 1000
Fax: (852) 3107 9007
Address: 25/F, Fairmont House, 8 Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong

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